Friday, May 13, 2011

Off to Kenya!

On June 21st we will be boarding a plane in Chicago and heading back to Kenya...a place that has left a permanent mark on our hearts. After spending a short but incredible week in Kenya last March, God has continued to place a desire in our hearts for those people. We are so excited to have the opportunity to go back and be a part of the work He is doing there!

The majority of our 6 weeks there will be spent in Malindi; a coastal town where vacationers own expensive villas, but many locals cannot even afford to buy food or fulfill basic medical needs for their family. Our time will be focused on women and children, serving them in various ways such as: running a medical camp, teaching basic hygiene skills and health education to adolescent girls, and helping in the school and orphanage. With our backgrounds in nursing and health education, we are so excited to have the chance to use our gifts to serve in these ways! We also hope to mentor and train women for discipleship through the use of the film ‘Magdalena: Released from Shame' (Click HERE to check it out).

Our goal is to keep this page updated with pictures, stories, and little tidbits of information along the way. Thanks so much for your support, we look forward to sharing in this journey with you!

- Renee & Joy

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