Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Saturday’s with the youth...

On Saturday afternoon we’ve been meeting with the youth at the Church. The first meeting was a rainy, rainy day and only one person showed up. SO we re-located to Pastor Fondo’s house and ended up having a really great time worshiping and dancing with his family, the orphans that stay there, and the one faithful boy who showed up. J The next week we had about 20 youth come and had a great talk on Lamentations “Pour our your hearts….” We shared with them about putting your full trust in Christ and how our relationship with Him can only grow if we are honest with him and really pour out our hearts to Him through prayer. For our final meeting this last Saturday, several of the youth did traditional singing/dancing and then performed a couple really great drama sketches. The drama group is lead by one of the church members and has a vision of reaching the youth through relevant lessons that they can apply to their daily lives. It was fun to see them in action!

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